Monday, September 6, 2010

Day-1 - It Begins


Breakfast: Oatmeal with Raisins, sugar, Vanilla Rice Milk
Lunch: Peanut Butter Sandwich
Snack: Jelly Bellys – oops didn’t know they contain beeswax so that’s a no in the future.
Dinner: Veggie Burger on whole wheat bun with veggies, Chips,
Dessert: Acai and Blueberry popsicle (mmm antioxidents)

Today was day one and it was not too challenging. Breakfast was great but i was REALLY hungry an hour later. Probably because I did not eat until almost lunch time so I had the PB sandwich soon after. I spent a lot of time planning the menu using the one provided on the web site a a reference. i made my own modifications that would have me cooking less since I know I do not have time to cook every single meal. I did not make it to the store though so I will have to do that tommorow and then push my menu back a day. Tnats OK I have enough provisions her at jhome anyhow.

Dinner was at the parents house tonight. they were having hamburgers, so I stopped at the store on the way over. OK I did go to the store today but only for a quick run. I got veggie burgers and soy cheese. The soy cheese was not so bad and tasted like Kraft Singles but with a funny chalky after taste. I didn't notice the this once it was on the burger though. When I gave it to Emily to taste she made a face like she was eating dirt, so that's a NO for Emily. She had a hamburger. I read labels on all the foods that were included in the meal and almost did not eat the chips because I misread the label and thought there was milk in them. Turns out the label said made in a factory that also makes products that contain milk. See I read labels although I didn't do this one well.

So today went well although not ideal. Oh and I did pop a Jelly Belly in mouth which I realized a minute late that the candy shell has beeswax in it. This of course is a no no since it was decided honey and other bee products are not vegan. Tomorrow I will do better and get to the store.

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